Indoor Bowls 2020/21 League Game Guidance

Fixtures have only been completed as far as Christmas 2020 but they will continue after Christmas until March 2021. These fixtures will be available from mid December. This is to allow adjustments to be make should the club go into lockdown or we move up to Tier 2 where only 6 people from the same household may play on the same rink! 

Tony is sending out extra info re Covid Rules and Protocols, membership, fees etc. Each Player will require 3 bowls per game!

This year we are relaxing the club rules to ensure games get played as there is no room to replay a game that may have to be called off.

In other words the game must be played at all costs!

So if you find the day before a game you only have 2 players you may contact any player who is a member of our indoor club / main club and ask them to play even if they are in the same league as you. We would ask however they do not come in as Skip.

If on the day of a game, someone does not turn up for an unexpected reason, we would like the game to go ahead in the following manner:-
(1) the team with 3 players play Skip: has 2 bowls: the Two has 3 bowls: and the Lead has 3 bowls.(2) the team with 2 players play 4 bowls each.(3) the team with 2 players loses one quarter of the shots score and indicates this on the scorecard.(4) the team with only 2 players must make up the rink fees to £6

Paper copies of the League fixtures will be available in the Indoor Bowls Hall from 6pm Friday October 24th.

Dress code is grey below the waist: any bowls top / bowls shirt or white polo shirt above the waist.You do not have to purchase a special club bowls shirt to play.

The rink fee is £2 per person per league game: £1.50 per roll up session.
Don’t forget your mask around the building – masks can be removed on the rinks!
Please turn up no more than 15 mins before the start of the game.
In the first week of bowling only one shot will be recorded for the first 2 ends to give everyone a smidge of a chance to get used to the indoor carpet!
We trust you will enjoy your bowls in our friendly Covid Triples Leagues!

Plessey Bowls Finals Day 2020

Martin Butchers receiving the singles trophy from Barry Bridgeman
John and Barbara Herbert receiving the 2020 Covid Pairs League trophy
Nick Hodder and Brian Longden runners up on the Covid League
Martin and Denise Butchers 3rd place in the Covid League
John and Debbie Crews 4th place in the Covid League